I am Amber


This is my message to you: I have spent over 20 years studying and have developed a range of knowledge here. I get connected with Guardian Angels, which allows me to encourage others to succeed in the world of money and abundance.

A Guardian Angel would provide the security and comfort you are looking for.  Something is in your mind, although you have yet to verbalize it. You get the feeling you're being offered the opportunity to go down certain routes. When you are at ease and sad, the angel is present with you.

When you're on your own and don't feel at ease, it's hard to sense its guardian angel's protection. If that is true, you would use your power to help communicate with your guardian angel and strengthen your spiritual connection.

Remember, your angels are still with you; even though you can't see them, they are. There are quick steps you should take to heighten your awareness of their presence.

Preparation is the key to sensing their existence. To get an angelic message, you would believe in angelic communication. Have you ever found yourself wanting to make a phone call, refrain from stopping anything from happening, or found yourself unable to do one of those things? Those may be our guardian angels. Clear instructions reveal obvious results. And often, we do not realize whether we are in a certain mood or motivated to behave a certain way.

We must be prepared to accept assistance from our guardian angels. We will come to terms with the whole situation by opening our minds and our bodies to it. In order to stay healthy, we need to take full, regular breaths. It seems that when we are stressed, we take short breaths. Any message would be stifled. We make our body, our brain, and spirit more oxygen by inhaling slowly and exhaling deeply.

My Philosophy and Approaches

I'm certain that God's hand has created a miracle for me in my life: I can talk to Angels.

Wonders occur because we have so much oxygen. A good thing, I think, is that our angels will come to visit us more readily.

Fresh air allows them to transmit the best messages. As we stroll, sit, look, and take in fresh air, we have total serenity and fulfillment. We are more receptive to those things that are flowing through him when he are full of air. We sense other people's presence in nature because we're in tune with the same rhythms.

The two most crucial elements of angel perception are to comprehend that which means to RELAX and to BREATHE.

What can it do for you?

When you are enjoying a tranquil and deep breathe, you are more receptive to your guardian angel's voice. Once you've gotten into a good state of wellbeing, you should hear your Guardian Angel coming to you. We'd rather find out the truth even though it's hard to tell, rather than live with half-truths or illusions. Our angels defend and direct us, so we must FOLLOW THEIR GUIDANCE.

Contact Amber

If you have questions or need help, please contact us.
